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Migori, Kenya - The Bible and Evangelism Convention was a GREAT success! Twenty-six pastors made a public declaration of their intention to become Seventh-day Adventists! One Muslim Imam has tendered his resignation at his former Mosque and is now working as a Seventh-day Adventist evangelist to X Muslims. The total of people wishing to join our church was 55. There are over 600 members the pastors represent who are now being taught the Bible truths. God's Holy Spirit has begun His work of the latter rain.  
If there is widespread interest in learning the Truth for these last days, we will prayfully consider conducting meetings in your area.
St. Johnsbury, Vermont reports that the rival is ongoing with a fresh baptism and others joining the church. Pickens, S.C. is continuing their revival. Where we've been:
Beloretsk, Russia / Car Car, Cebu Island Philippines 
Bayamo, Cuba / Parnu, Narva, and Tallinn, Estonia, Kentucky, N.C.,S.C., Georgia, Vermont...


On the Evangelism Trail
One of our team members just returned from Scotland where she evaluated a possible meeting place.

We are being considered for a series of meetings for Peru next year! Please pray

Evangelistic Series St. Johnbury,Vermont saw a revival of primitive godliness. Many tears were shed as members came to understand the Gospel as never before. 

Pickens, S.C. church completed their revival! The latest report is that the revival continues!

The Lord has called this ministry into existence to bring messages that will cure the "Laodicean Complacency" found in too many churches.


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And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.


Matthew 25:6 King James Version (KJV)

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